Mazi Sainik Shikshan Ani Swasthya Kalyan Sanstha

How An Idea Was Born

The Trustees by virtue of their ingrained spirit of ”service before self” observed the absence of quality social facilities and pervasive neglect amongst the tribals simply heartrending. That such an abysmal state should have existed amongst fellow citizens so close to a dynamic metropolis was simply appaling.

Amongst many needs, the want of a school, where the children from the nearby villages could be educated at no cost, was considered urgent.

The Trustees, jointly and individually, interacted with the villagers on several occasions to sow the seeds of “DAFFODILS” at the location of the office of the Trust in Sainik Nagar, at village “DIKSAL” in 2004

Today the seeds have sprouted and are blooming as radiant, green & tender ‘saplings’

The medium of instructions is English, Hindi & Marathi.